Spirit of the Galilee facilitates a high level academic discourse between religions and cultures. Our target audience are those functioning as clergy who are interested in learning, teaching, praying and listening to one another while developing a contemporary spiritual language that bravely and beneficially copes with the challenges of our time in the midst of the diverse communities and audiences they serve.
Our project is based on peer learning, combined with external lecturers from time to time. The regular meetings are currently digital, but once in a while there are also face-to-face meetings, tours and workshops.
The Interreligious Midrasha has an annual theme - in our first year the theme was "prayer", in the second year our theme was "land" and next year our theme will be "the role of women and men in our traditions". The participants share with their colleagues prayers, texts and ideas relevant to their tradition, stand for the common and the different and create a common spiritual language.
The Interreligious Midrasa is an active network of local clergy, which is based on the formation of deep personal connections over time, encouraging the creation of collaborations between them and their communities and congregations.